Namespace Juhta.Net.LibraryManagement
Defines an abstract base class for dynamic library handles.
Defines an abstract base class for library handle classes.
Defines an interface for closable libraries. A library is closable if it requires specific closing actions.
Defines an interface for closable library states. A library state is closable if it requires specific closing actions.
Defines an interface for such configurable libraries whose configuration is done with a JSON, XML or INI configuration.
Defines a base interface for configurable libraries. A library is configurable if it requires specific startup operations and those operations need configuration.
Defines an interface for configurable library states.
Defines an interface for custom XML configurable libraries. A library is custom XML configurable if it is configurable and the configuration is done with a custom XML configuration.
Defines an interface for custom XML configurable library states.
Defines an interface for default library states.
Defines an interface for dynamic configurable libraries. A library is a dynamic configurable library if it is dynamic, configurable and the configuration is done with a JSON, XML or INI configuration.
Defines an interface for dynamic custom XML configurable libraries. A library is a dynamic custom XML configurable library if it is dynamic, configurable and the configuration is done with a custom XML configuration.
Defines an interface for dynamic initializable libraries. A library is a dynamic initializable library if it is dynamic and its state can be initialized at the runtime.
Defines a base interface for dynamic libraries. A dynamic library is a library whose state can be dynamically changed at the runtime e.g. by modifying the configuration of the library.
Defines an interface for initializable libraries. A library is initializable if it requires initialization operations and those operations don't need any configuration.
Defines an interface for library handle classes. This interface is the core interface for the library management.
Defines a base interface for classes that represent the state of a library. A recommended design pattern is that a library state class is an aggregate class for the objects comprising the state of the library. These objects are typically reference-type or value-type objects that have been created based on the configuration of the library.
Defines an interface for startable libraries. A library is a startable library if it contains at least one process that has to be started prior to the library services can be used.
Defines an interface for startable library states. A library state is a startable if it contains at least one process that has to be started prior to the library state services can be used.